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MGTOW started over 1000 years ago with the world's first Love Doll

The first mention of a Love Doll can be traced back over 1000 years to the infamous Latin poet Ovid. Married 3 times, and divorced twice all before the age of 30 might explain what inspired him to write a greek myth about a Love Doll.

Although his father pressured him into being a lawyer, Ovid rebelled and spent his entire career writing erotic poetry. Eventually public scandal meant he was banished from Rome and all his books were removed from Roman libraries.

Some scholars believe it was because of a poem advocating adultery which broke newly introduced Roman law a the time. Other argue it was due to an adulterous affair his granddaughter had with a prominent Roman senator.

These days you will only hear Ovid's name mentioned among academics discussing ancient greek mythology or as a question on a quiz show.

These academic scholars never mention that Ovids decades of work contained so many crazy perverted fantasies that if he was alive today he could of been the world's most prolific dungeon master.

His most famous work Metamorphoses was a collection of 250 Greek myths containing nearly 12,000 poetic verses about love, sex, scandal, prostitutes, betrayal jealousy and everything else that might pop up in today's divorce courts. This is where the first ever recorded mention of a Love doll can be found.

Pygmalion was an ancient sculptor who became so disgusted by the behavior of the local women he decided to turn his back on them forever. Instead he carved an ivory statue of his dream women “Galatea” who he fell in love with.

He treated her like one would a Love doll, he cared for her, washed her, made love to her, bought her clothes and jewelry and relaxed with her.

Aphrodite, better known as the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and passion, was also the patron goddess of prostitutes. During her festival day she granted Pygmalion's wish to make his ivory statue Galatea come to life.

They got married and lived happily ever after together.